共生系の建築 – Symbioticsystem architecture –
(English Below)
In June 2011, ”Satoyama Satoumi in Noto” was registered as a World Agricultural Heritage Site by UNESCO. This complex aims to revitalise the local area in Shiroyone-no-Senmaida rice field in Shiroyone-machi, Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, which is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the area. (Designed between 2012 and 2013)
We went into the area to conduct a detailed survey of the specific situation by approaching all kinds of local stakeholders, including the town’s residents, the association for the preservation of the terraced rice paddies, the town hall, the civil engineering office, tourists, and the owners of the terraced rice paddy owner system.
Naturally, these people gave us both positive and negative information about the future of the site, but we tried to collect this information in an unbiased way and to get as complete a picture as possible. We tried to collect as much information as we could, including: information on the ecosystem of the village and the sea, topography and ground, civil engineering data such as water supply plans, historical data such as the past shape of the village and the life and culture there, information on the composition of the town and local residents, their positions and feelings, how the terraced rice paddies have been supported by the ageing population, and what has changed with the registration of the village as a World Agricultural Heritage site. We did not limit ourselves to any particular area of investigation, but tried to get as comprehensive a picture of the site as possible.
When we had gathered all this information, what we saw was a local population that was trying to create a better future for itself, using even the seemingly negative elements as one of its few resources.
Perhaps it is because we are not a place where resources are constantly being produced, as in urban areas, but because we are facing a future where the population is declining and resources are being depleted.
But perhaps it is also the result of the wisdom of a lifestyle that has lived with the Satoyama and the Sea, a lifestyle that keeps things in a virtuous cycle.
When we think about what kind of architecture is needed there, or in other words, what the purpose of the form of the architecture should be, we should consider all the negative and positive aspects of the environment, including the people who live there, as resources, and determine them with the purpose of making them all come alive. We have come to the conclusion that the architecture must be “symbiotic”. This is the Symbioticsystem architecture.